TCM Knotweed Ltd
So, can you burn Japanese knotweed? The short answer is, yes. Many homeowners choose to take this DIY step to eradicate this invasive plant, but be must be done legally.

Can Japanese knotweed be burnt?

So, you have Japanese knotweed in your garden. You’ve tried removing it – from hacking it with sheers to soaking it in weed killer – it’s all useless.

But will burning Japanese knotweed finally kill this invasive plant?


Know the basics about knotweed

In recent years, a lot has been said about Japanese knotweed, and UK residents, commercial business owners and land developers are all becoming aware of the weed's dangerous and damaging nature.  So here's some basic info:

  1. Japanese knotweed comes from Japan, China and Korea.
  2. In its native land, a species of flea eats away at the weed and successfully controls it.
  3. The UK doesn't have this flea species, so homeowners have to resort to extreme removal methods to get rid of it. Hence, you may try burning Japanese knotweed. 
  4. Japanese knotweed stores its energy in its 3-metre deep rhizome - it is this which has to be destroyed to prevent re-growth and further infestation. 
  5. This aggressive plant spreads easily.  In fact, if it grows beyond your land, you could face fines and legal action. 
  6. In its natural habitat, Japanese knotweed thrives in volcanic ash and fissures. Given its love of warm surfaces, it could really be nicknamed Japanese 'hotweed'.  

Can you burn Japanese knotweed? 

So, can you burn Japanese knotweed? The short answer is, yes. Many homeowners choose to take this DIY method to eradicate the invasive plant from their land, but be warned! Though burning Japanese knotweed can be an effective way to remove the weed, there are many hoops you have to jump through to make burning an effective method of eradication - and it must be done legally - see the information about 'the Law' in our Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 section of the Japanese knotweed removal page. 

Indeed,  you may find despite your best efforts, Japanese knotweed will spread even further and re-grow. 

Why burning Japanese knotweed is difficult

Japanese knotweed spreads easily, and any disturbance to the plant encourages it to fragment and infest new ground.  For this reason, no matter how you plan to eradicate this non-native plant, you must be extra careful.  If you allow Japanese knotweed to spread onto a neighbour's land, or into the wild, you could face fines of £5,000 or a two year prison sentence.

Burning Japanese knotweed is difficult because it easily allows the weed to spread. In fact, any DIY eradication plan can cause more harm than good.

How to burn Japanese knotweed

First, contact your local council to ensure you are permitted to burn Japanese knotweed in your garden.

Second, uproot the plant, rhizome included, and completely dry it out. Unless it is bone dry, it's won't burn. 

Third, consider purchasing a micro incinerator. The fire will be easier manage and will be less likely to cause damage to surrounding garden items, including the fence! 

Fourth, any remnants of Japanese knotweed must be taken to a registered landfill.  This might cost you a small fortune but you should never dispose of the weed in your garden waste or compost bin.  Again, you could be prosecuted. 

Fifth, you must transfer Japanese knotweed in a registered waste carrier.

How effective is burning to eradicate Japanese knotweed

There are many ways to eradicate knotweed. Google it and you'll find homeowner after homeowner trying to do-it-themselves.   Mostly, people are trying to save themselves the hassle and cost of hiring a professional knotweed removal company. Sadly though, many DIY eradication methods simply don't work. Whilst other methods, including burning, can make the problem worse. 

Indeed, the Japanese knotweed rhizome can survive burning - a phoenix plant! 

Save time and hassle - hire a professional

Yes, Japanese knotweed can be burnt but consider whether it is worth it.  After all, you could end up spreading it rather than removing it. In the long run it is safer, faster and less expensive to seek the advice of Japanese knotweed removal experts than to stress and do the job incorrectly.  Many homeowners even get fully compensated for the cost of the removal.  

Get in touch with our trusted TCM Knotweed Services team if you would like to take the hassle-free approach to Japanese knotweed eradication.  Call us on 0330 678 1077.

TCM Knotweed Ltd