TCM Knotweed Ltd
The two main types of bamboo are “clumping” and “running”. And although clumping bamboo is harmless, running bamboo is often worse than Japanese knotweed for its ability to spread widely and cause expensive damage.

Is Bamboo worse than Japanese knotweed?

Bamboo is not worse than Japanese knotweed but it can still be pretty destructive. Learn the difference between these pesky plants before your garden becomes a forest!

Bamboo in the UK

Like Japanese knotweed, bamboo was brought from Eastern Asia to the UK in the 19th Century. Today, we plant it in our garden borders and use it as a screen to stop nosy neighbours from overlooking! Or to hide the bins. Bamboo’s ability to screen makes this an ever-popular plant in the UK and can still be bought from nurseries and garden centres.

Bamboo characteristics

The two main types of bamboo are “clumping” and “running”. And although clumping bamboo is harmless, running bamboo is often worse than Japanese knotweed for its ability to spread widely and cause expensive damage.

Running bamboo is also known to lie 30 feet below ground and has a long-reaching and robust root system. This root system crosses property boundaries and, of course, can compromise the structural integrity of buildings. Cue complaints from the neighbours!

Bamboo and UK law

As you have seen, Japanese knotweed and bamboo bring about stressful neighbourly disputes and costly damage repair. And surprisingly, despite the fact that there are many Japanese knotweed laws, there are no laws surrounding the control of bamboo.

You cannot be prosecuted for having bamboo in your garden or for allowing it spread. This is because bamboo, unlike Japanese knotweed, is not considered an invasive species under The Wildlife Act of 1981.

That being said, it’s not unheard of that a homeowner will sue their neighbour over bamboo under common law and private nuisance. So, either way, it’s best to keep your bamboo back to avoid liability. Thankfully, the presence of bamboo won’t affect your mortgage or ability to sell – not yet anyway.

How to control bamboo

Our bamboo advice is simple. Firstly, you should only buy the non-invasive, clumping variety. Secondly, put it in pots to keep it contained. Lastly, if your bamboo is especially aggressive, consider using a vertical root barrier membrane to prevent it spreading out of your garden.

Obviously, many bamboo infestations are difficult to control and cause chaos for those involved. If you’re in this situation, consider hiring weed removal specialists.

Bamboo vs Japanese knotweed

Bamboo is not as bad as Japanese knotweed. You can’t be prosecuted for letting it spread and it won’t affect your mortgage. However, bamboo can still cause expensive damage and start a war with next door. So, make sure you keep it in your garden!

Whether bamboo or knotweed is getting you down, contact us today for free advice and to discuss your treatment plan.

TCM Knotweed Ltd